Saturday, May 11, 2013

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Life takes unexpected turns. One day you are serving a military fighting for your life. Nothing is that great about your life, you have barely any money to survive and the only true friend you have is much more successful in life.  Everyone treats you with very little respect. But then all of a sudden in one moment everything changes. You soon become one of the strongest people that ever lived. People now know who you are, they praise you. That is exactly what happened to Alina Starkov. But sometimes pleasure can come with a price. A price that comes with a severe punishment.

Shadow and Bone (The Grisha, #1)

This book wow!!!!! Amazing c: I couldn’t stop till I finished the book. I was so hooked that I didn't give it a second thought when I was offered to watch a movie with my family. I was like “you go ahead; I am going to finish reading this book first.” And usually I love watching movies so that was pretty much a big deal. I have already read it for the second time. Rate it 5/5.
                                          -Yoshi Luver

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